Product News

Tailor Your Power Control with the BN-LINK 2-Pack/4-Pack 24-Hour Mechanical Outlet Timer

Take control of your power management with the BN-LINK 2-Pack/4-Pack 24-Hour Mechanical Outlet Timer. Designed by BN-LINK, this versatile outlet timer offers a convenient solution for turning on and off lamps, small appliances, Christmas trees, and other electrical devices. With its user-friendly features and customizable programming options, this timer allows you to personalize your power control according to your schedule and preferences.

Flexible 24-Hour Programming

The BN-LINK outlet timer provides you with the flexibility to program your devices to turn on and off at specific times throughout the day. With up to 24 on and off settings per day, you have the freedom to customize your power control in as small as 30-minute intervals. Whether you want your lamps to turn on as you arrive home or your small appliances to turn off after you leave, this timer allows you to tailor your power control to match your daily routines.

Repeatable Daily Settings

Once you have programmed the BN-LINK outlet timer, it will automatically repeat the settings daily. This feature ensures that your devices consistently turn on and off at the desired intervals, without requiring manual adjustments each day. With this convenience, you can enjoy automated power control without the hassle of reprogramming the timer on a daily basis.

User-Friendly Operation

Operating the BN-LINK outlet timer is simple and straightforward. The timer comes with pins that are initially pressed DOWN. To begin setting your desired schedule, all you need to do is pull the pins UP according to your preferred on and off times. This user-friendly design allows you to quickly and easily configure the timer, making the programming process hassle-free.


The BN-LINK 2-Pack/4-Pack 24-Hour Mechanical Outlet Timer empowers you to personalize your power control with its flexible programming options. With customizable 24-hour programming, repeatable daily settings, and user-friendly operation, this timer provides you with the convenience and control to turn on and off lamps, small appliances, Christmas trees, and other electrical devices according to your schedule. Experience the versatility and ease of the BN-LINK outlet timer and enjoy a tailored power control solution that suits your needs.

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